Thursday, December 21, 2006


Mosquito Magnet

How Does the Mosquito Magnet Work?

Female mosquitoes and other biting insects bite humans in order to get blood to lay their eggs. They are attracted to humans by the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale. The Mosquito Magnet mimics a human by catalytically converting propane to CO2, heat and moisture. As the mosquitoes are drawn to the trap thinking it's a human, they get vacuumed into the trap where they dehydrate and die within about 24 hours.

The Mosquito Magnet doesn't use lights or sticky tape to catch mosquitoes, just science. Because it only attracts bloodseeking insects such as mosquitoes and noseeums, beneficial insects such as butterflies, bees, and moths are not affected.

When properly placed in your yard, the trap begins catching mosquitoes and other biting insects immediately. Noticeable results are achieved in 7 to 10 days. To greatly reduce your biting insect population, allow 4-6 weeks of continuous use.

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